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At The Trainers Edge we know that diet and nutrition should be individual and unique to you and your lifestyle.


Your life is made up of many parts which all have their own time commitments and constraints. These need to be taken into consideration when planning your eating strategies to help you reach your goals.

Our system:
We identify your goals and then build up a picture of your life as it is.
You will complete an in depth nutritional & health questionnaire so we can build up a detailed picture of your current habits and lifestyle

  • We will log your current statistics

  • You will receive personalised meal guidance that will practically fit into your lifestyle

  • Detailed food analysis diary

  • Shopping list

  • Supplement recommendations to optimise health



You’ll receive easy reference educational guides on good nutrition – topics include up to date information on carbohydrates, fats and protein. I'll inform you about the perils of alcohol, additives and sugar when trying to lose weight. Fad diet pitfalls and short-cuts that you need to avoid.
Easy to follow recipes with pictures and average costs.

Once a week you’ll provide feedback to me I’ll use this information to make any adaptations your plan may require. This will ensure you continue to hit your goals and are achieving the best possible results week on week

The importance of solid nutrition when undertaking a strenuous training regime is paramount. This is why I include Nutrition Guidance in all block booked personal trainer packages.

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